Russia is now China’s biggest oil supplier, overtaking Saudi Arabia as Western demand for its crude has dropped

Grace Dean 1 hour ago

When will we realize that our sanctions and weaponized dollar no longer carry the bite they did in the past.

The world is tired of our bullshit, and they are taking steps to remove the United States' role as the holder of the world reserve currency and petrodollar status.

It has already started as some nations refuse to hold dollars to do commerce.

This will only increase the dollars in the United States, creating hyperinflation in the near future.

Business Insider article:

Russia has vaulted ahead of OPEC heavyweight Saudi Arabia to become China's biggest supplier of oil, according to data released on Monday by the Chinese General Administration of Customs.

Russia supplied 2.02 million barrels per day to China in May, up from 1.31 million in April, the data showed. This is a jump of almost 30% from the previous month and 55% from May 2021.

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